The Power of Likeability

The Power of Likeability

I want to talk to you for a few minutes here about the power of likability. Look at the world today. Everybody’s fighting with one another, arguing with one another, can’t get along with one another—I’ve never seen our society more divided than it is today. My mom taught me years ago that by being likable, by being something that, No. 1, likes other people and develops the ability within yourself to be liked by other people—it’s amazing how much influence you can have.

So my training for you today is work on yourself. Be the change you want to see in other people. Be more likable. Be more approachable. Don’t argue about everything. So many of the things people spend all their time arguing about really don’t matter that much. Let it go. Be the force that brings people together, not tears people apart. Work on being a unifier, not a divider. Learn to get along with other people. Understand their walk in life is different than yours. But be a person that makes friends, wins people over and therefore is able to go out and change the world into a better place.

See you at the top, because the bottom sure is crowded.

Related: 7 Ways to Be Likeable


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