“You’re either green and


or ripe and rotten”

Addison Leadership Group

Personal Development for the Rest of Us

Real Leadership Volume 2

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The behind-the-scenes work of leadership is the most overlooked but still the most important. After years of coaching teams to success, John Addison is offering one-on-one leadership consulting. Invest in your team and the future of leadership with the help of leadership coach, John Addison.

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Keynote Speaking

John Addison has been on the front lines of leadership for the bulk of his life, pushing and pulling teams into success. Now, John is bringing the same energy he has invested in countless teams to YOU.

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Quotes to Live By

Addisonisms: Quotes to Live By

Addison shares his thoughts on learning leadership & leading life through this collection of quotes carefully curated from his lifetime.

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Letters From John

The Comparison Trap: What It Is & How to Escape

The Comparison Trap: What It Is & How to Escape

In the age of social media and constant connectivity, comparison has become an insidious force that infiltrates our minds, sabotaging our aspirations and diluting our sense of self-worth. The act of sizing ourselves up against others, whether in terms of achievements,...

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The 4 Types of Fear That Are Holding You Back

The 4 Types of Fear That Are Holding You Back

We All Face Fear Whether we want to admit it or not, fear is a part of everyday life. We all experience different types of fear every day, whether it’s a fear of heights or spiders, or things more human such as losing someone close or being rejected by your peers. Our...

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Forged in Fire: How Adversity Can Help You Win

Forged in Fire: How Adversity Can Help You Win

When I was just little Johnny Addison growing up in rural Covington, Georgia, I thought that adults knew just about everything. They had all the answers my budding mind was thirsty for, and I hung on their every word; at least, I tried to. That said, it’s hard to take...

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Attack the Day Like a Real Leader

Attack the Day Like a Real Leader

The lives of historical greats have always captivated me. I suppose I feel like it’s better to learn from the advice and mistakes of others rather than doing my own hands-on research. After all, it saves time, and who couldn’t use more of that in their life? In my...

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