The Comparison Trap: What It Is & How to Escape
In the age of social media and constant connectivity, comparison has become an insidious force that infiltrates our minds, sabotaging our aspirations and diluting our sense of self-worth. The act of sizing ourselves up against others, whether in terms of achievements,...
The 4 Types of Fear That Are Holding You Back
We All Face Fear Whether we want to admit it or not, fear is a part of everyday life. We all experience different types of fear every day, whether it’s a fear of heights or spiders, or things more human such as losing someone close or being rejected by your peers. Our...
business success
stories of the greats
business success
stories of the greats
The 4 Types of Fear That Are Holding You Back
We All Face Fear Whether we want to admit it or not, fear is a part of...
Forged in Fire: How Adversity Can Help You Win
When I was just little Johnny Addison growing up in rural Covington,...
3 Simple Strategies for Embracing Radical Authenticity
Writing this blog, I realized how challenging it is to convey this topic...
Attack the Day Like a Real Leader
The lives of historical greats have always captivated me. I suppose I...
Leadership Growth: Nurturing Your True Potential (Part 2 of 2)
Spring is an exciting time, isn’t it? A time of rebirth and renewal, it’s...
Highly Effective Habits of Great Leaders
I’ll be the first to tell you that leading others is no easy task. It...
6 Southern Expressions With Hidden Leadership Lessons
Growing up as a boy on the dirt roads of Georgia, I was surrounded by the...
8 Fictional Quotes That Inspire Real Leadership
Take a moment to imagine: You’re sippin’ sweet tea on the porch, a gentle...
Leadership Growth: Nurturing Your True Potential (Part 1 of 2)
Each spring, I take time to look around the farm and see how things are...
Become an Authentic Team Leader through Self-Awareness
I have always said, leadership is about more than position or title; it's...
“The scarcest resource in the world is not oil, it’s leadership.”
As Co-CEO of the largest independent financal services company in North America, John Addison’s skill as a leader was tested and honed daily. He retired in 2015 after taking the company and it’s people to massive heights. He’s just not done helping people get to the top. Today, he’s at the helm of Addison Leadership Group, INC working daily to mentor and educate new leaders.
recent posts
Overcome Fear to Make a Positive Impact
Fear. I know it isn’t something most people like to talk about, but let me tell y’all, if we talked about it more, we’d be a lot better off. Why do I say that? Well, to begin with, no one is exempt from fear. Everyone can relate, and if they say they can’t, they’re...
Planning vs Procrastination: How to Move Beyond the Fear That Binds You
Introduction There it is, the finish line. You can see it right from where you’re standing. It looks good. In fact, it looks like relief! You envision yourself crossing it, with all the preparation, hard work, and maximum effort behind you. Isn’t that a sweet feeling?...
The Keys To Motivation: A Guide to Success
Motivation is a concept I’m pretty fond of. Actually, if you trace back my career to its inception, you can find the impetus for my success in a moment of motivation. At the time, I was fresh out of college and ready to take on the world. You may not be in the same...