In the age of social media and constant connectivity, comparison has become an insidious force that infiltrates our minds, sabotaging our aspirations and diluting our sense of self-worth. The act of sizing ourselves up against others, whether in terms of achievements,...
We All Face Fear Whether we want to admit it or not, fear is a part of everyday life. We all experience different types of fear every day, whether it’s a fear of heights or spiders, or things more human such as losing someone close or being rejected by your peers. Our...
Writing this blog, I realized how challenging it is to convey this topic to folks who want to embrace radical authenticity. I had to ask myself why that is. For one thing, authenticity is difficult to define. I like to think of it as being genuine, sincere, and true...
I have always said, leadership is about more than position or title; it’s about guiding and inspiring others towards a common goal. It takes work and self-awareness to do this well. We cannot become authentic, effective leaders without acknowledging the...
Good leadership is something we talk about a lot around here. It’s the compass that guides how I interact with everyone I meet. I put a lot of value in good leadership because I’ve seen what it can truly accomplish when put into play. Truth be told, I have been at...
Infusing Hope without Perpetrating False Realities is what leadership during chaos demands. History books are filled with accounts of men and women stepping up to ensure strong leadership during chaos. Leadership tends to call up one’s better angels. There’s no doubt...
I am helping John with his new (not so) secret project ... Please help me help John. Visit to get the scoop.
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