Envision Your Best Future

by | Jun 19, 2017 | Business Success | 0 comments

Envision Your Best Future

Published June 2017

I want to talk to you about your life.

I want to talk to you about envisioning the kind of life you want to live.

See, most people spend their life just existing. Just getting by. Just day to day, they’re in a rut, and they never see their way out of it.

First, you need to understand: This is your life. You’re not getting a do-over at the end of it. You’re not getting to go, “Oh welp, screwed that one up. Let’s try again, rewind the tape.” This is your life. This is your shot. And the only life you’re destined to live is the one you design, where you step back and go, “This is what’s important to me. This is how I want to live my life.”

And then you go fight for it, and you make the changes that are necessary to make it happen.

Related: 5 Tips to Create Your Best Future

A few years ago, I stayed at a beautiful resort in the Bahamas that a family that had built a giant furniture business, and they had sold it to a bigger company, had bought this island. And they had turned it into this gorgeous resort, and it really was paradise.

And the bungalow I was staying in, which was a very nice bungalow, there was, on the table, the little thing where the guests register, where people put notes in it. A friend of theirs had stayed in that room and had written, “Most people’s some days because a few people’s every day.”

And you’ve got to decide how you want to live this. It goes by fast.

Envision a great life. Plan your life. Think about where you want to go and not just where dinner is going to be tonight.

And then go fight like crazy—and live the life you designed.

Related: Life Is Too Short to Have Low Expectations

I’ll see you at the top, because the bottom sure is crowded.


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