You Have the Potential to Improve Every Day

I believe the most important thing people can do is get up every day, take action and become better. People spend money and time on all kinds of questionable things in life. I think the best way you can invest your money and time is on personal development and self-improvement. An investment in yourself is always time and money well spent. 

1.Invest in reading 

I am a voracious reader. I always have been and I always will be. My favorite genres are biographies and personal development books. I try to take the lessons I learn from these books and incorporate them into my everyday life. Check out some of my favorite self-development books here.

2. Learn from the greats 

In my opinion, Dwight D. Eisenhower was one of the greatest leaders of the twentieth century. From likability to practicing optimism and taking responsibility for his actions, he was the embodiment of what it meant to be a true leader. I encourage you to learn more about his greatest leadership qualities and take note yourself.

3. Take control of your thoughts 

This is one that I know is much easier said than done. In our world today, it’s easier than ever to be unfocused. So many people are attracted to their distractions, staring at their phones and allowing all kinds of thoughts to fly into their brains in a steady stream of clutter. If you really, truly want to achieve your biggest goals, it’s so important that you work hard on decluttering your mind. Here are four ways to do that.

4. Learn how to manage stress

Stress is a part of life and learning how to manage it is necessary to be a successful leader. It’s easy to get balled up, worried and all in a dither. But most of the things that we worry about and that we allow to stress us out, either a) probably will not happen or b) in truth, probably won’t matter that much. I want to share a few ways I deal with stressful situations

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I believe the best thing you can do each day is to invest in yourself, take action and improve yourself every day. 


Continue to improve yourself and other by joining my #MissionLeadership movement


  1. Christine Lasebnik

    We miss you too and will NEVER forget what you and Rick did for us! We do love Glenn as well!

    Great points!….as always!

    • John Addison

      Christine, so very kind of you to say. Glenn is an amazing leader with all of the capability in the world. He is far surpassing me! Thank you for taking the time to read and to leave your thoughts and comments. I appreciate you and your kind sentiments!

    • John Addison

      Daniel, thank you so much for taking the time to read and to comment. I appreciate it more than you know!

  2. Terri Hamm

    No comments, cause you are the best teacher person I ever heard in speaking events…

    • John Addison

      Terri, I am so honored and humbled by your very kind comment. I try, but even I still have A LOT to learn and there is always growing to do. Remember: you’re either green and growing or ripe and rotten. I always try to stay in the “green and growing” category. Thanks again for taking the time to read and to comment. I appreciate you!

  3. Leighton Brown

    I came into the company in 2013 and your leadership style was unmatched. You was always so genuine. I aspire to be as good as you one day. Now I’m a RVP and your book was the biggest part of that. Now i read it once a year and buy it for my leaders as a gift. God bless you John

    • John Addison

      Leighton! We go way back, don’t we? That’s a decade, right there! Thank you so kindly for the comment and for taking the time to read the blog and then write me. People like you are why I knew I was right where God wanted me to be. And thank you for the feedback about Real Leadership! I’ll give you a little inside tip here, we are about to launch promotions for Real Leadership Volume II. But with this new volume comes a Companion Book that is about 50 or more pages of reflective exercises to help people who want to really work through their leadership and explore their past, present, and future from the perspective of a leader. I am pretty excited about it. It’s been in the works for nearly a year now, and I hope that people like the workbook as much as they liked the first release of Real Leadership. I am feeling better about that now, though. Thanks again for taking the time to read and to leave your comment. I sincerely appreciate you!


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