I am helping John with his new (not so) secret project ... Please help me help John. Visit https://johnaddisonleadership.com/mission-leadership/ to get the scoop.
When it comes to overcoming fear as a leader, self-doubt is usually at the center of the picture. After all, how could you possibly help anyone else if you feel like you can’t help yourself? In this blog, we are going to look at some fear management techniques and...
If you’ve been keeping up with my blog recently, you have figured out that I’ve been talking a lot about fear. The entire theme of my upcoming book is how to take your fear and make it work for you. That isn’t an easy topic to broach. In fact, I’ve written a whole...
It’s that time of year again when Mother Nature reminds us how beneficial it is to let things fall away. These things will serve as fertilizer for the rebirth that will come a few months down the road. It can be scary, letting go, but if we look around us and take our...
Introduction There it is, the finish line. You can see it right from where you’re standing. It looks good. In fact, it looks like relief! You envision yourself crossing it, with all the preparation, hard work, and maximum effort behind you. Isn’t that a sweet feeling?...
“The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.” – Bruce Lee If you know me, you know I am big on action. Just ask my wife, Loveanne. First thing in the morning, my feet hit the floor, and ACTION! I’m awake, alive, and ready to take on the day. Even...
Motivation is a concept I’m pretty fond of. Actually, if you trace back my career to its inception, you can find the impetus for my success in a moment of motivation. At the time, I was fresh out of college and ready to take on the world. You may not be in the same...
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