Request Check Your Shocks
You would be hard-pressed to find someone in life who has only had an upward trajectory. Most of us have had times when we’ve been up, times when we’ve been down, and times when we weren’t quite sure if we were up or down, we just knew we were uncomfortable.
But life’s experiences come in all different shapes and sizes, and sometimes those experiences look an awful lot like failure. I know a little bit about failure, both in my personal and professional life. What it’s taught me is that it’s not the size of the failure that counts, it’s how you use it. Do you let it defeat you entirely and thwart your desire to succeed ever again? Some folks might, but I’m here to tell you why using personal setbacks to your benefit is the best way to go. Let’s dive in.
All of life is an ebb and flow, at least that’s my observation of my life and the lives of those around me. Sometimes you’re going to feel like you’re winning, and at least some of the time, you’re going to feel like you’re losing.
A personal setback is a time to gather your thoughts, reflect on what you’ve been doing that’s working—and more so what isn’t—and make adjustments and course corrections for the journey ahead. That is how you develop resilience.
A setback is not the time to sit in the corner sucking your thumb and thinking about how unfair life is. Of course, you probably feel defeated, maybe a little lost, and you might even feel like you are losing faith in yourself. But I’ll tell you, the only kind of setback you don’t come back from is one you choose to let defeat you, and that’s just the truth.
As I see it, a personal setback is not only a stepping stone toward success, it’s also an opportune time to assess the situation. When you have properly identified how you went wrong, you are one step closer to figuring out how you can go right next time.
If you look at setbacks that way, you’ll begin to see them as a necessary part of the process of honing your activity for success. Without them, you’d just be endlessly beating your oars in the direction of progress without knowing if it’s the best route to take. When you figure out which routes not to take, the best route starts to stand out on its own.
But John, what about setbacks that are out of my control? I can hear you already. Setbacks that show up on their own, through no fault of our own, still present us with opportunities to pause and reflect.
We have a new opportunity to see if we want to change course, alter our ideals or goals, challenge our idea of a reasonable timeline, and generally evaluate how we’re doing and where we could do better.
You might have heard me say that being humble can save you from a stumble. If you humble yourself to see the setback as an opportunity to check all aspects of your journey, you are approaching it with enough humility that the potential hazards ahead can become clear to you.
It’s not the setback itself that really causes a problem, it’s our reaction to it that determines whether or not we thrive or wilt. In other words, it’s how we view failure that makes all the difference in the world.
Did you know that if you embrace a setback as part of life before it even happens, and you see it in your mind as a part of the growing process, embracing failure will inevitably turn into fodder for your growth? That, my friend, is known as the power of failure.
To be successful, you have to learn to see failure as a necessary and very fruitful part of the process. You have to embrace the idea completely that you will encounter personal setbacks and have to deal with their consequences. From this place, this mindset, you can see them for what they truly are—an inevitable part of growth—and you can maximize their opportunity to teach you and instruct you in how to move forward.
If you have to face challenges and endure setbacks, and it is my assertion that you will, then how you receive them can make all the difference in the world. When you extract the lessons within them, you leverage them for your benefit.
Now that we understand the nature of setbacks—as essential parts of our journey towards success—it’s crucial to have a strategic approach to see them as the opportunities for growth that they are.
Here are some steps that can help you leverage setbacks as stepping stones to success:
By following these steps, you can turn failures into catalysts for growth and success, transforming what may initially seem like obstacles into valuable opportunities for personal and professional development. Remember, setbacks are not roadblocks but rather checkpoints and detours that can lead you toward greater achievements if approached with a positive mindset and proactive attitude.
I know, it all sounds easier said than done. Setbacks can be disheartening, sure, but it’s the dogged mindset that wins in the end. You have to find the will within yourself to persevere even when it seems like there are no more options.
My great mentor, A.L. Williams, used to tell me, “Life will give you what you’re willing to fight for.” If you’re not willing to get back up and dust yourself off after a setback, life isn’t going to help see you beyond it. Life will just say, “Okay, I guess this is the end of the road,” and that will be that.
You have to win in your mind before you can start winning in life. You have to cultivate self-discipline, stay true to your objective, set your sights on your goal, and then not waiver, no matter what. If a door closes in your face, go through a darn window.
I hope you have taken the time to really think about how setbacks are just a natural part of life, whether it’s the loss of a job, reaching another dead end in your sales or marketing efforts, or the failure to reach your most desired goal yet one more time.
If you stay strong in the knowledge that this is life’s way of trying to teach you something about resilience, persistence of spirit, and confidence in your own ability, you’ll be better prepared to move forward without a loss of confidence. When you recontextualize setbacks in that way and learn to accept and adapt to them, you’ll find yourself stronger in the long run. You’ll find that you are already winning.
I’ll see you at the top!
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“The scarcest resource in the world is not oil, it’s leadership.”
As Co-CEO of the largest independent financal services company in North America, John Addison’s skill as a leader was tested and honed daily. He retired in 2015 after taking the company and it’s people to massive heights. He’s just not done helping people get to the top. Today, he’s at the helm of Addison Leadership Group, INC working daily to mentor and educate new leaders.