Request Check Your Shocks
This is a crazy time. I hope you’re all safe and adhering to the advice provided by the medical professionals. I hope this message will both comfort you and embolden you to have courage in this unprecedented health crisis. The COVID-19 virus is nondiscriminate and the path to safety requires we all do our part.
We are in this together.
When it comes to overcoming fear as a leader, self-doubt is usually at the center of the picture. After all, how could you possibly help anyone else if you feel like you can’t help yourself? In this blog, we are going to look at some fear management techniques and...
I am a student of history. I love learning about the events and people that came before us, and often think about how the past has influenced the present. Who we are now can be attributed mainly to who we’ve been, how we were raised, who our parents were, and how...
You would be hard-pressed to find someone in life who has only had an upward trajectory. Most of us have had times when we’ve been up, times when we’ve been down, and times when we weren’t quite sure if we were up or down, we just knew we were uncomfortable. But...
If you’ve been a leader—in any capacity—whether it’s in a business or sports setting, at home with children, or in your group of friends, you have probably encountered the ankle-biting doubt demon known as fear. Are you enough? Can you get the job done? Will you make...
“The scarcest resource in the world is not oil, it’s leadership.”
As Co-CEO of the largest independent financal services company in North America, John Addison’s skill as a leader was tested and honed daily. He retired in 2015 after taking the company and it’s people to massive heights. He’s just not done helping people get to the top. Today, he’s at the helm of Addison Leadership Group, INC working daily to mentor and educate new leaders.
Blessings John & Loveann!?
We love hearing from you and always coming from your heart!
Be safe and take care!
Blessings, ❤
Great to hear from you.
Stay the course!
Stay safe.
See you at the TOP!
John, thank you for this uplifting speech. I, we, needed that. I miss you powerful closing speeches. God bless you and your family.
Israel Pardue, Jr.
Israel to all the best to you and yours!
See you at the top, cause the bottom is too crowded.
Thank you so much for this encouragement. I am so worried about my dental practice, not knowing when we are going to be able to open again. I really needed to hear this tonight. ” Turn fear into Fuel.” That is great.
Julie Baxter Marshall
That’s right…Turning your fear into fuel allows for creative solutions to most any challenge. Stay the course and you will rise to the top!
To Your Success,
What a powerful, grounding force! Thanks for taking the time in a storm of doubt and fear to be a lighthouse Of hope! Much love and many blessings! Thank you!
With so much Covid-19 mess flying around and disrupting life as we knew it, if we all stepped more into the leadership lighthouse role, it would help the recovery of this country and across the globe. Harnessing leadership skills and sharing them with our co-workers, family, friends and neighbors, should be the focus we have daily.
To Your Success
glad you enjoyed this article Kristopher. See you at the top because the bottom is too crowded!
I love this word….simple plain brown paper bag …truth…..Thank you
Hugh glad you enjoy these phrases!
See you at the top because the bottom is too crowded!
Greetings Mr. Addison!
Loved your Momma’s advice to act pretty (not sure if that was the exact wording). I’ve been making a special effort to be friendly and courteous to people at the grocery store as they’re in the terrible grips of fear and desparately need a smile.
Lorraine, this is such a great practice to start and keep up, before and after these uncertain times we are in.
Glad to see you’re making a wonderful effort to impact lives positively!
Keep it up.
Lorraine, glad you enjoyed this article!
See you at the top because the bottom is too crowded!