If You’re Not Happy, You’re Not Successful

If You’re Not Happy, You’re Not Successful

If somebody asked me what is true success, I’d say it is the ability to go out, help other people, do something fun that you enjoy – and then to be personally happy. I’ve seen a lot of people who’ve had economic success, lots of money. But honestly when you get to know them, they’re miserable. It’s just like, No. 1, you don’t want to be around them, No. 2, they’re jerks and, No. 3, they’re personally just miserable. I don’t know about you—if I’m driving a Bentley but I’m a jerk that everyone hates and I’m not happy, I’m not a successful person. And then I’ve met people who haven’t had a lot of economic success, but they’ve got a home that they love, a family that they love. They’re happy. That’s what real success is.


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