The Keys To Motivation: A Guide to Success

Motivation is a concept I’m pretty fond of. Actually, if you trace back my career to its inception, you can find the impetus for my success in a moment of motivation. At the time, I was fresh out of college and ready to take on the world.

You may not be in the same spot in life. You might be tired after years of doing the same old thing, but I’ll tell you this: every moment is an opportunity for motivation to seize you and change the trajectory of your entire life.

You have to find a way to let motivation overcome you; and if it doesn’t find you easily, you may have to go looking for it.

How to Immerse Yourself in Motivation 

If you find yourself in the camp with those who struggle to find motivation, just know you aren’t alone…nor should you be! You need a community. One way to immediately find yourself itching to act is to surround yourself with people who already do.

Success is contagious. It’s human nature to want to be part of the crowd that’s winning. If you don’t personally know the feeling of winning, you’ve probably watched people who are and felt like you wanted that feeling too. That’s called envy. Some people will tell you envy is a shortcoming, but I disagree. Anyone can turn envy into a drive to do more, achieve more, and win for themselves. Envy isn’t all bad. What counts is what you do with it. 

Now, if you are one of the fortunate folks who is found by motivation, you aren’t exempt from the rule of surrounding yourself with go-getters. This is important, because we are typically not all motivated all the time.

Reread the lines at the beginning of this section and realize that you are one of the people who will inspire others to find their motivation too. You will be the encouragement for others, the beacon at the top of the hill they only wish they could climb, and you have to share your motivation to maintain it. 

Cultivating motivation is an art, and I believe it is the moral obligation of any artist to share their gifts with the world.

How To Surround Yourself With Good People

There are many types of motivated people in the world. Not all of them are motivated to do good things. In fact, many are motivated to do terrible things, but we aren’t here to focus on them. 

You have to make a commitment to yourself to surround yourself with the right people; folks who are moving in the direction of progress, not propagating chaos or halting forward movement. How do you do this? 

  1. Identify Your Values: Reflect on your core values and beliefs to determine the type of people you want to surround yourself with. Keep your eyes open for individuals who align with these values.
  2. Join Communities: Join clubs, organizations, or online groups that cater to your interests or goals. Meet like-minded individuals who share similar ambitions.
  3. Network: Once you’ve joined, attend networking events, seminars, or workshops related to your field of interest. Again, it’s crucial to connect with others who can inspire and motivate you.
  4. Seek Mentorship: Find a mentor or coach who can provide guidance and support as you work towards your goals. This could be someone in your profession, but it doesn’t need to be. Mentors can offer valuable insights and support to help you stay motivated.
  5. Be Open to New Relationships: Be open to meeting new people and expanding your social circle. You never know where you might find motivation and inspiration—or from whom!
  6. Evaluate Current Relationships: Take a moment to assess your current relationships and determine if they are helping or hindering your progress. Surround yourself with people who push you to be your best self.
  7. Set Boundaries: Surround yourself with people who uplift and encourage you, and distance yourself from individuals who bring endless negativity and doubt into your life. I know it sounds harsh, but those are the anchors you have to cut loose. You can always return to them later to see if they are willing to climb aboard the ship that’s moving in the direction of progress.

Of course, all of this will require some effort on your part. But if you thirst for success, if you dream of something better than what you have or where you’re at, you already have what it takes to succeed

Motivation feeds off that thirst that only progress can quench. The time has come to lean into being thirsty and make it work for you. 

Surround Yourself With Motivation: Quotes To Inspire Action

When I began my career at A.L. Williams, our leadership had quotes on the walls, signs pointing us all in the right direction and reminding us what was important.

Whether it’s a sticky note on your computer monitor or framed calligraphy hanging over your desk, it’s important to surround yourself with motivational ideas that will remind you, reorient you, and refocus you on your goals. That’s how you stay motivated.

Here are a few of my favorites:

  1. If a door closes, go through a window. —unknown
  2. Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and the shadows will fall behind you. —Walt Whitman
  3. Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. —Winston Churchill
  4. Believe you can, and you’re halfway there. —Theodore Roosevelt
  5. It always seems impossible until it’s done. —Nelson Mandela
  6. I am lucky that whatever fear I have inside me, my desire to win is always stronger. —Serena Williams
  7. If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one. —Dolly Parton
  8. Vitality shows not only in the ability to persist but in the ability to start over. —F. Scott Fitzgerald
  9. It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. —Confucius
  10. If you’re going through hell, keep going. —Winston Churchill


Motivation is a powerful force that can drive us to achieve our goals and realize our potential. All success can trace its lineage back to a moment of motivation. So, whether you are seeking to reignite your own motivation or looking to inspire and uplift others, surrounding yourself with motivated individuals is key.

By identifying your values, seeking mentorship, joining communities, and setting boundaries, you can create a supportive environment that encourages growth and progress for yourself and others. Incorporating motivational quotes into your daily life can serve as a constant reminder to stay focused and resilient.

I believe in the contagious nature of success and enthusiasm, so I encourage you to look around—actively seek out opportunities to immerse yourself in motivated circles. Do this, and I think you’ll find that your motivation has found you.

I’ll see you at the top!

Feeling inspired but still plagued by imposter syndrome or other fears? Join our exclusive list for details on Turn Your Fear Into Fuel, my upcoming book that aims to empower leaders like you to conquer your fears and unleash your true potential.


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