Keynote Speakers Help Nourish a Growing Team


Motivation looks, talks, and walks like a hundred million different things. What gets me going in the morning may not be anywhere close to what pulls you out of bed.

Despite what different things move each of us, there is a common thread that connects us all; a desire to reach the goals we set.

For people like us, seeking motivation is second nature. We regularly realize the potential behind our everyday actions. We see the lessons woven within our lives. We acknowledge opportunities for betterment.

Ultimately, we are invested in a better future, a future moved by greatness and cared for by gentle people with strong hearts, strong minds, and an unwavering desire to forge paths for others to follow.

That said, even the most motivated people can succumb to lulls in life. This is why we create powerful team dynamics where empowerment is at the center. A lack of motivation is nothing to be ashamed of but is another moment in life that can be realized and then utilized.

When working on a team, keeping individuals focused on the goal can be a challenge. However, good teams get to know one another, their strengths and weaknesses and help each other. The stronger the bond a team has, the more a team can overcome.

How Keynote Speakers Help Bond Your Team

A bonded team doesn’t just happen. Will there be times when it seems like your team is headed to the same place at the same pace? Absolutely, and that will feel great.

However, getting a team on the same page can be a difficult task, but one thing I’ve found incredibly helpful time and time again is finding and then having teams acknowledge a common good.

Honestly, sometimes, it’s about creating a common good!

Books, formal discussions, and group outings are all incredible ways to allow your team to bond, but one I have found the most powerful over the years is keynote speeches.

Keynote speakers, or self-help speakers, often come equipped with a message that is presented as a gift to everyone in the audience through a keynote speech.

Keynote Speeches Motivate from the Outside, In

Keynote speeches are full of high-level information, stories of experience, and content that people throughout the audience can relate to. This type of experience helps teams find common themes in their own lives.

When two team members see the same goodness in the same things, they can start to better understand one another’s hearts and minds even more.

Keynote speeches can also help a team get on the same page as they are collectively sharing a powerful experience. Even after all of my years working with teams, a connection formed out of experience seems nearly unrivaled.

Good Keynote Speakers Utilize the Power of Motivation

Motivation comes in many shapes and sizes. Some motivation ends in a reaction: a round of applause, a cheer, maybe even signing up for a course, or purchasing a book.

But then there’s the motivation that ends in action.

When a motivational offering is laced with a bias for action, the result is initiative. My goal is always to motivate people to “do,” not just be, not just think, but take what they know, take their beliefs, and live by them.

If someone says they want to step up into a leadership position, one of the first things I’ll ask them is, “What does leadership look like?” What do others do that make them outstanding leaders?

You have to step in to step up.

Motivation is just the mover. It is what pushes people to do what they know has to be done. People are sitting full of potential; they just need that extra push to start doing.

How Can Team Leaders Keep Up the Momentum Following a Keynote?

Impact is something that is talked about often when it comes to keynote speakers, but what does that impact actually look like?

On the same day as someone attending a keynote, I always hope that there is a direct reaction, a spark that starts a fire in every individual in the audience.

Directly following a keynote is the perfect time to start positioning a team to exert some of this newfound energy on the team’s goals.

One thing you want to ensure you’re doing following a keynote is fanning the flames. Any motivational keynote speaker can create the spark, but it is up to everyone else to keep that flame alive.John-Addison-standing-on-stage-during-a-keynote-speaking-event

A Week After the Keynote:

Bring up some of your favorite parts of the keynote speech. Have your team share a tidbit of information they learned or a particular quote that stood out to them.

Encourage them to remember their experience of the keynote speech often.

By allowing your team to recollect their experience and highlight the parts that held the most personal impact, you can more clearly recognize the things that truly resonate with your team members. You’re also ensuring that your team has taken that extra burst of motivation they found during the keynote and are holding onto it to utilize now and in the future.

A Month After the keynote:

Take an in-depth look at the speaker’s book. Pull out some tidbits that can be shared with the team. Have a group discussion about what the book teaches and how those lessons can be incorporated into everyday life.

Personal development is at the heart of every team with growth potential. Give your team the environment and tools they need to grow.

A Year and Beyond Following a Keynote:

Revisit the principles that were taught during the keynote. Talk about the actions that the team made that were partially encouraged by the keynote. Letting your team see what ideas stuck after a bit of time helps a team better understand one another.

The days, months, or year following a keynote look different for a lot of people, but one of the best ways to ensure that the full potential of the message has been revealed and utilized is to break it down over and over again.

What mattered? What drove the team to action? What made the most impact?

What John Addion’s Keynote Speeches Offer A Team

Motivational speakers are abundant. They set the stage, command the crowd, and deliver a powerful speech that sends people out into the world ready for action.

The end goal of my keynotes is the same: send people home ready to make a difference. However, I aim to take things one step further.

I don’t want to only tell you the importance of teamwork, of empathy, of altruism, of giving a piece of one’s self to the idea of servitude.

I want to give you actionable advice. I want you to leave with not only an understanding and a desire to make an impact, but a plan to convert that feeling of empowerment into a real offering to the world around you.

It is one thing to be motivated. It is another thing to prompt action. My end goal is always to get people actively working toward their goals.

Setting the Stage for Transformation

Famous motivational speakers like Eric Thomas, Chris Gardner, or Tony Robbins believe in taking the stage to set the stage for a true transformation. They are true believers in the passion, the fire, and the ultimate push that will allow someone to realize a higher potential within themselves.

Here’s what I believe: keynote speaking is not only made to move people; it’s made to connect people, as well as connect with people.

Throughout my years as co-CEO of Primerica, and the additional years I spent introducing the idea of leadership to individuals and teams alike, I’ve always known that the true power I carry for impact is in connection.

As I transition even further into this journey of inspiring leaders across the world, I want to gift everyone I meet with something of true value, something they can take home with them, discuss with their partner, their family, or their team. Something they can continue growing from.

It is always about planting the seeds.

Book John Addison for Your Next Event

John Addison, leadership coach, and former CEO, offers a keynote experience that builds value in the lives of leaders. Let John Addison speak to the intricacies of success and the best ways to navigate challenges and failures, to ensure your team is ready to celebrate wins, reinvent losses, and invest both of those things into the future of the team. Invest in your team and choose results today by booking John for your next event.


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“The scarcest resource in the world is not oil, it’s leadership.”

As Co-CEO of the largest independent financal services company in North America, John Addison’s skill as a leader was tested and honed daily. He retired in 2015 after taking the company and it’s people to massive heights. He’s just not done helping people get to the top. Today, he’s at the helm of Addison Leadership Group, INC working daily to mentor and educate new leaders.