What to Do If You Don’t Feel Motivated

What to Do If You Don’t Feel Motivated

Published July 2017

I want to talk to you today about what you need to do when you don’t feel motivated. You know, one of those days where you wake up, and you go:

“I’m just going to lay here in bed.”
“I don’t feel like doing anything.”
“I just don’t feel like I want to be effective today.”

I’m telling you, it’s those days that separate people who accomplish things from people who don’t.

Related: To Be Successful, You’ve Got to Create Successful Habits

When you wake up in the morning, the birds are chirping, you feel great, you feel like taking on the world… those are the days you know anyone can go get after it. But when it’s raining and you don’t feel good, those are the days that you have to find the energy to attack the day. That separates you from the other people.

Look, I hate to say it, but winning and succeeding is competitive. Life is competitive. Everybody doesn’t get a trophy. That’s not how it works. It’s all about your ability to get up and get moving.

I tell people all the time, I believe one of the greatest success traits you can have is to get your tail out of bed early and get moving—even if it’s just to get up and read and get your mind right for the day. So you’ve got to get up early, show up early.

I always believed in Vince Lombardi time. On time is 15 minutes early for an appointment. Get there, get after it, attack the day, make things happen.

Most people wait for things to happen, but winners make things happen.

Related: 7 Ways to Go From Ordinary to Extraordinary


  1. Erika

    Thank you for all your Love and Dedication.

    • John Addison

      Thanks for stopping by Erika!
      All the best to you and yours.

  2. Wella

    On time is 15 minutes early for an appointment. Get there, get after it, attack the day, make things happen.

    Great line!

    Well written , crisp article too

    • John Addison

      Yes! Showing up is one of the most significant factors of any equation that equals success. Get out there and get things done!

      See you at the top!

  3. Andrea

    Help I need motivation!

  4. Andrea

    Please help me to get motivated.

    • John

      Andrea, I wish it was that easy. Contrary to popular belief, motivation more often follows action. So, to get motivated … just ACT. Baby steps is fine but take one step in the direction of your dreams. That’s what makes it easier to take the next step and pretty soon you have momentum and momentum eats motivation for lunch. See you at the top!


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